
Is Delta-8 THC Legal?

5 – second summary

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  • Ut enim ad minim, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

By Jason Tillotson, Copywriter

D9 THC is hot but Delta 8 is here

Within the ever-changing cannabis landscape, the new Delta-8 THC craze has quickly arrived! Its grown to serious popularity that can’t be ignored. With zero intentions of slowing down, Delta-8 has swiftly found itself on shelves in thousands of smoke shops and CBD stores around the world.


Of course, along with its spike in popularity, comes a myriad of legal questions and concerns. People around the U.S. are just now coming around to the idea that CBD is federally legal. Now, throw in this brand new compound that has a nearly identical name. Delta 8 is only one number away from the federally scheduled I narcotic, Delta-9 THC and you end up with more confusion.


Here to set the record straight, the Flowerz team breaks down the legality behind Delta-8. Read on, curious cannabis connoisseur!

What is Delta 8 THC?

The National Cannabis Institute describes Delta-8 as a compound similar to the THC we all know and love as it “binds to the cannabinoid G-protein coupled receptor CB1, located in the central nervous system; CB1 receptor activation inhibits adenyl cyclase, increases mitogen-activated protei-”…. Wait, wait, let’s slow down. I know what you’re thinking. What the %$&* does that even mean?!


All the science mumbo jumbo is super fascinating and worth reading about when you have the time. But for the sake of our dwindling attention spans, the key takeaway from the NCI’s report is this: “[Delta-8 THC] exhibits a lower psychotropic potency than [delta-9-THC], the primary form of THC found in cannabis.”


That basically means Delta-8 does have a psychoactive effect, but not one serious enough to intoxicate you.

Okay, so, what’s the problem then? 

The problems begin at the farm. The 2018 Farm Bill that federally legalized all hemp products containing fewer than 0.3% Delta-9 THC, says all Delta-8 products are also legal. So long as they’re hemp-derived.


But that’s the key phrase; hemp derived. Alex Buscher, founder of Buscher Law, a cannabis law firm in Denver, CO, says he disagrees with the DEA’s final ruling on Delta-8, simply because it carves too narrow of a path for manufacturers. In other words, there are cannabis brands out in the market, selling seemingly legal Delta-8 products, that aren’t actually hemp derived, or they’re synthetically crafted.


In an interview with Cannabis Dispensary Magazine, Buscher notes “synthetically derived tetrahydrocannabinols are Schedule I substances. However, the 2018 Farm Bill explicitly excludes tetrahydrocannabinols in hemp from Schedule I … “But they didn’t define ‘synthetic,’ and they don’t actually have a definition of ‘synthetic’ in the Controlled Substances Act,” says Buscher.


The lack of legal clarity and the swarm of curious cannabis users has made Delta-8 easy to find, but difficult to get right.

Where can I find legal Delta-8 THC?

Right here at Flowerz! We only source our Delta-8 from organic hemp farms. All our Delta-8 products are made from hemp derived Delta-8 and remain 100% compliant with the 2018 Farm Bill.


We just dropped a selection of nine different vape strains and three new flavors of fruit thins. Be sure to check out our shop to browse all our Delta-8 and CBD products!


Our products are made from the highest quality cannabinoids and ingredients.

Consuming Rosin Cannabis Concentrate

  • For starters, rosin is made without solvents such as alcohol or butane. It is created through heat and pressure applied to cannabis plant material or hash. Resin, when used to describe a concentrate, is a cannabis extract created with a solvent.
  • Ut enim ad minim, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
  • For starters, rosin is made without solvents such as alcohol or butane. It is created through heat and pressure applied to cannabis plant material or hash. Resin, when used to describe a concentrate, is a cannabis extract created with a solvent.

Products containing Rosin

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Consuming Rosin Cannabis Concentrate

  • For starters, rosin is made without solvents such as alcohol or butane. It is created through heat and pressure applied to cannabis plant material or hash. Resin, when used to describe a concentrate, is a cannabis extract created with a solvent.
  • Ut enim ad minim, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
  • For starters, rosin is made without solvents such as alcohol or butane. It is created through heat and pressure applied to cannabis plant material or hash. Resin, when used to describe a concentrate, is a cannabis extract created with a solvent.

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How is Rosin made?

Rosin can be made from either cannabis flower or hash, which is the collected kief (trichomes) of the Cannabis plant. If you have a grinder with a kief catch, you are probably already familiar! Rosin made from cannabis nugs tends to be slightly more difficult to enjoy, as plant matter almost always impacts the rosin. This does not impede the rosin’s potency but can cause an unpleasant flavor or smell for the user.

Once the cannabis source material is chosen, heat and pressure are applied. Most rosin for sale in dispensaries is created in a custom industrial press, though some users choose to make their own rosin at home with a hair straightener.

The applied heat and pressure to the cannabis material force out the cannabinoids and terpenes, similar to how canola or olives are pressed for oil. The end result is a cannabis concentrate with THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids as well as terpenes. The temperature and pressure applied correlate to the type of rosin produced. Rosin can be made into shatter, budder, taffy, and wax consistencies.

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